
Saturday, June 28, 2014

My pet peeves in social media

Sometimes when I am scrolling down my Facebook page I see things that annoy the f*** out of me. But if you are a free spirit and don´t care what anybody thinks you won´t care :) Here it is anyways: 

1. Statuses like these: 
"I am so happy, life is great!“
"I love my boyfriend sooo much“
"Life is awesome“

Seriously, who are you trying to convince? The people scrolling through your page, or yourself? Because the people who have the need to share statuses like these, or often the people with relationship problems and/or other problems. It´s ok not to be happy all the fr*** time, it is the pretending to be that´s lame!

2. When people make excuses for selfies. If you wanna take a selfie and post it, just do it. Why does it have to be followed by: „I don't care if someone finds this lame“. Just by making this statement you are actually saying that you do care.

3. Five statuses in a row. Why would you do that? You don´t have to tell social media every single thing that goes on in your life. Pick what you share.

4.  Rude comments on photos. That´s just plain cruel. If you dont have something nice to say, it´s better just to shut up. You would´t want someone commenting on one of your photos: „wow, you really look like a fat cow“. Well, when you leave a comment for a skinny/fit person saying: „go eat a hamburger“ or „uuuhhhhgg that´s nasty“, it´s just as rude and insulting. Think about your words before you post them, and how they might affect people. Skinny and fit people have feelings too!

A selfie taken and posted with pride!!


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Personal planner

I want to get myself a personal planner so I was browsing the internet to find some interesting sites that sell ones that you can personalize for yourself. I came across this site: and it looks like a good option. Have any of you ordered from them and if so, how did you like?

I don´t want to get some plain black or white planner with just a few lines on each day. I want to be able to organize everyday; my meals, my workouts, my goals, my blog, my personal training clients and well, just about everything I do, all in the same place. I´ve tried that with the usual planners, and its just not working out so good. Everything starts to look messy and than after a while I give up. But I feel if I would make my own planner myself it would be more useful to me, plus it would look excactly the way I wanted it to look!

This is a sample on how one week could look like

A lot of choices!!

You can even choose your own cover!

Another sample of one week

It all looks so amazing! I am pretty sure that I´m going to get myself one of these.
Would be nice to hear from you though, if you have expreience in this matter :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Progress update

The other day I promised you guys a progress update. I had my measurements taken last weekend after 6 weeks of online training with my new trainer. Through this time I have lost 3% body fat and 2,5 kilos (I now have a 17% body fat and weigh 59 kilos). My muscle weigh almost the same as from the beginning which means that I am losing fat while holding on to my muscles, and that´s just the way it´s supposed to be. I am extremely happy with the results. All my hard work, dedication and sacrifices is starting to show, thankfully! Now there are 21 weeks til the competition (Icelandic Cup, November 15th) and I will be competing in módelfitness, which is the Icelandic version of bikini fitness.

Before Saturday gym session - waist coming in nicely :) 
I often here that I look very different in the gym than I do in my daily life. Sometimes I just put on a pair of jeans and people tell me how nice I look. I guess that means that I must look so dreadful in the gym! Lol. Although its probably true. I don't wear make up in the gym (apart from my eyebrows, I don't leave the house without doing my eyebrows EVER), I put my hair in a pony tail and I sweat A LOT....and I mean A LOT! I like to wear nice clothes to the gym most of the time, but apart from that I don't worry about how I look there. I just want to work hard and get results!! That is my main focus at the gym! Yesterday I decided to take before and after photos of me just to see the difference:

Me at home, heading to the gym. 

Me after the gym, all sweaty and stuff 

And me after showering, washing and drying hair and with make up on :) 
I think it is safe to say that there is a difference. Lol. After my workout yesterday me and my daughter went to the shopping mall and got her some new shoes. We shared a fruit smoothie at Te og Kaffi and went store to store just browsing. Saturdays are our "candy days". We buy ourselves candy and have a dinner that is not so healthy. We always order in pizza or go to Serrano for some Mexican food. But this time around we decided to change things up. We went to a grill called Roadhouse and had some chicken fingers and home made double fried fries. OhMyLord it was so good. All deep fried and disgusting though! Totally worth it!

Me at Roadhouse

My daughter is at that age now where photographs are really sensitive so I don't get to take a lot of photos of her. Such a shame. Photos of me will have to do! 

Hope you guys enjoyed your weekend and some good food as well :) 


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Today´s outfit

My skinny jeans fit me again!! I am so happy. I got myself a cute little heart top to celebrate the occasion and wore it today, with my skinny jeans of course. 

The shoes are my daughters. I wear them because she has grown out of them. Yes, that´s right, I have smaller feet than my "little" baby girl. Make fun all you want ;) lol

The necklace is from Krista design, an Icelandic designer. Very beautiful. 

I had such a good gym session today. Legs and cardio was on the menu, including squats, smith-machine lunges, jumping lunges, step-ups, leg press, stepper and a few more very FUN and challenging exercises. I absolutely love my new training program. Each workout takes about 1,5 to 2 hours, but the time goes by so fast because it is so much fun :) 

After the workout I was so energetic that I cleaned my entire apartment. 
My very clean living room.
I love these kind of days <3 nbsp="">


Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I am a Gemini

Since I was born on May 23rd I am a Gemini. I have always been really proud of being a Gemini, and most of what I read about the sign I can really relate too. Of course I don´t think astrology is the absolute truth but I think it´s very entertaining and interesting to speculate about it. An old friend of mine who was really into all things astrology related once told me that Geminis were one of the most interesting signs, and that´s one of the reasons I am such a proud Gemini ;)

I searched for Gemini quotes on Pinterest and these really spoke to me:

In 2012 I got a Gemini tattoo on my arm. I didn´t want to get that plain Gemini sign that so many people have, so I got one that represent what the sign means; two personalities. It´s not that I believe that I have two different personalities, one good and one evil. Usually I´m all good :) It´s just a tribute to the meaning of it :)

This is the picture I took with me to the tattoo parlor :) 

And here is a photo of me where you can see a glimpse of the tattoo :)
If you want to find quotes about your sign just search it on Pinterest, they have plenty of quotes for all the signs, and photos and tattoos as well :) 


Monday, June 16, 2014

English blogging

I´ve been thinking about blogging in English from now on, since I can tell from the statistics of my blog that is is equally read in UK/USA as it is here in Iceland. So this is my first attempt. Hope my international readers will appreciate :D

I had my measurements taken yesterday by my trainer and the outcome was really really good. I am on track and everything is going very well. My body is toning up, muscles are growing and I´m losing body fat. He´s going to send me the numbers soon, so then I will be able to share them with you, until then I can only tell you that it´s going well :) Now it´s 22 weeks till showtime!

Waist is getting smaller and legs getting leaner :) 

Me at the gym. All sweaty and with my headphones on :) 
I recently started using bloglovin a lot. I signed up a long time ago, but I never used it. But now I am following a lot of new blogs on there and I love it. I recommend it for everyone who has a blog and for those who love to read blogs and want to follow them and organize them to make it easier to read and not miss out on anything :)

Here you can follow my blog on bloglovin!

Me - not in gym clothes :) 

Have a lovely day

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"The Rock"

Dwayne Johnson, a.k.a. "The Rock" er svo ógeðslega svalur gaur!! Ég fylgist með honum á facebook og þessi maður er bara svo með þetta. Hann er duglegur að pósta inná læk síðuna sína myndum af sér úr ræktinni og á setti, og lætur oft fylgja með fyndin eða motivational quotes. Afsakið ensku-sletturnar mínar, stundum eru ensku orðin bara ofar í huga hjá manni, og maður nennir ekki að leita af íslensku orðunum. Ef þið eruð ekki að fylgjast með kallinum, þá mæli ég með því að þið gerið það hið snarasta HÉR.


Monday, June 9, 2014


Stundum vildi ég óska þess að ég byggi einhversstaðar þar sem alltaf væri hlýtt og sólin skini oftar en 10 daga á ári. Í framtíðinni mun ég láta þessa draumóra rætast, en þangað til verður maður að nýta vel þessa fáu daga sem við fáum hérna á skerinu. Ég eyddi sólarseginum á laugardaginn á Akranesi, á pallinum heima hjá foreldrum mínum. Græddi þar nokkrar freknur og smávegis bikinifar. Get ekki beðið eftir næsta sólardegi ☀️

Þangað til næst.....


Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Mér finnst mjög nauðsynlegt að borða fjölbreyttan mat. Þó maður sé að borða hollt og reyna að koma sér í fitness form, þá þarf maður ekki að borða þurran kjúkling og brokkolí í öll mál. Ég fæ mér ýmist eggjahvítur, ýsu, lax, kjúkling, nautakjöt eða blöndu af eggjahvítum og kjúkling sem próteingjafa, svo hef ég alltaf ferskt salat með eða þá ofneldaða grænmetisblöndu eins og brokkolí, blómkál og gulrætur. Í hádeginu hef ég svo alltaf flókin kolvetni með, þá ýmist brún hrísgrjón, sætar kartöflur, bygg eða butternut squash. Ég fæ mér stundum svona 1-2 tsk af sweet chili sósu með ef ég er með kjúkling, og ef ég er með ýsu set ég smávegis af tómatsósu út á. Restina finnst mér betra að hafa bara þurrt. Ég er voðalega lítið fyrir sósur, sem er mjög hentugt þannig séð.

Hérna eru hádegis- og kvöldverar máltíðirnar mínar síðustu 2 daga:

Nautakjöt, ferskt salat og mangó (ég EEELLLSSKKKA mangó)

Matur frá Ginger: Teryaki kjúklingur, stutt brún grjón og salat (allt of lítið salat að mínu mati)

Eggjahvítur úr brúsa og ferskt salat + jarðaber

Kjúklingur, butternut squash og ferskt salat (og sweet chilli sósa)
Vonandi hjálpar þetta einhverjum að fá góðar hugmyndir að hádegis- og/eða kvöldmáltíðum :) 


Monday, June 2, 2014


Ég kíkti í Kolaportið um helgina og nældi mér í smávegis á slikk. Við mæðgur förum þangað reglulega að gramsa og förum sjaldan tómhentar út. 

Ég keypti skyrtuna, hálsmenið og töskuna á litlar 2500kr. Mjög sátt með þessi kaup 👍